Saturday, June 25

Easy Tote

The last prize is finally complete. Hooray! Hopefully the next time I do a giveaway it won't take me so long to get all the prizes done.

The third and final prize winner is my bestest friend in the whole world's mother, Noel. She assured me that I didn't really have to make her anything. But I assured her I was going to, so if she had a suggestion she better give it to me. She gave me the idea for a tote bag.

Okay so I've made a few tote bags now. I needed a new challenge with the tote. So I decided this tote was going to be the easiest tote ever to make! Not that I didn't want to spend loads of time on Noel's prize. But I just decided randomly that this was going to be how I made this tote special.

Now how could I use what I have learned by making other totes to make one super quick and easy?


Wha-cha! Easy tote. Big enough to hold a few books or stack of papers. You can also fold it up small in your purse and whip it out to save a plastic bag at any store. I will gladly share with you some of the tricks I used to make this easy.


1. No lining
2. Body piece of fabric is one big panel
3. Straps have no interfacing
4. Top is turned under and sewed shut
5. Sides are sewed straight up
6. Patterned fabric hides the stitches that show on the right side of the fabric
7. No fancy pockets or closures

I love this idea for someone a quickie present. You could even use this as a gift bag and fill it with other exciting things.
Or I love this idea if you find a fabric you think is cute and a good deal at your local fabric store, look at their remenant bin or the sale fabrics. Depending on how big you want the tote, you only need around 1/2 yard of fabric.

Of course you can take all of the shortcuts and put them back into the construction and make something more complicated. But I can't promise its going to be more awesome! I just love how this bag turned out. I know Noel will appreciate the quick, easy and thriftiness of this bag!

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